The Crowfield Curse, by Pat Walsh, reads like a movie. I am having my guest blogger return with her review of the book...William is a fifteen year old orphan in early 14th century England. After his family died in a fire, the monks at Crowfield took him in when the people of his village shunned him as the only survivor of the fire that killed his family and destroyed their mill. Will's life is filled with hard labor, and his only friend is Brother Snail, the healer of the abbey who suffers from severe curviture of the spine. One cold winter day, William hears a voice pleading for help or death and he comes upon a creature that will change the way he sees the world. The hob, a fay creature, is caught in an iron trap. The sensitive Wiliam frees him and takes him to Brother Snail for healing. He discovers that he and Brother Snail have "the sight" which allows them to see fay creatures. Soon William's world becomes a much more frightening place as he is pursued by dark fay and forced to help an ancient and powerful fay and his leperous master to uncover an ancient secret that has cursed the brothers of the abbey for a century.
Click on the book trailer below to learn more about the book.
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