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Saturday, October 16, 2010

The Batboy

Mike Lupica’s, The Batboy, is a must read for all you baseball fans. Fourteen-year-old Brian Dudley has started his dream job - being the batboy for the Detroit Tigers. Brian’s father, a former major league pitcher, walked out on him and his mom two years before. Brian’s love for baseball stems from his relationship with his father. It was their connection. Brian plays baseball as well and aspires to be like his idol, Hank Bishop. Things seem to be looking up when the Tigers add Hank Bishop to their roster. Hank is just returning to the major leagues with a tarnished image from his use of steroids. Nevertheless, Brian has always believed in Hank’s accomplishments at the plate. What happens when the person you look up to most isn’t who you imagined him to be? How do you get yourself out of a hitting slump when everything you have tried fails? Although a predictable storyline, the characters (especially the minor ones) will make you glad that you read this one. Check out Mike Lupica’s other great books: Heat, Travel Team, Miracle on 49th Street, Summer Ball, The Big Field, and Million-Dollar Throw. Click on the book trailer below for an introduction to The Batboy.

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